Course Information -> Basic Course Information
This course is designed to be self paced. The course material can be accessed at There is no required textbook for this course.

The course requirements are

  1. Completion of 9 homework assignments; all 9 are linked from the home page and the due dates are indicated. Please pay attention to the suggested due dates and don't fall behind. These assignments are Java based virtual experiments that you will be doing on your computer and its therefore crucial that your browser be able to run these experiments. This is most certainly a different way of delivering a physics course, but the pedagogical goal here is to get you to do experiments, record results, and measure stuff, virtually.

    All lab reports and write ups will be submitted via the worksheet software that we use in this class. This will take the plae of submission through email.

    These lab reports should be reasonably well organized and logically constructed. They must include all relevant data and the steps that you performed in carrying out the assignment. Do not simply submit an answer without illustrating the process that you went through. I care far more about that process than getting the right answer.

  2. Completion of 1 midterm and an optional final exam. The midterm will cover the first 3 modulues, The final is comprehensive but its also optional if you just want to take the grade based on your midterm plus the 9 assignments. Most students end up not taking the final Exams will be linked from the home page during the indicated range of dates. You are required to take the exams during these time periods.

  3. There is a classroom discussion page that can be accessed from the communication button in blackboard. Use that forum to post questions and raise issues relevant to the course.
Points of contact in this class are as follows:

For content related questions about the course material please contact: (the Professor)

For registration or procedural questions please contact either


That's it - I hope this class delivered in this way will be a productive learning opportunity for you