Course Documents -> Optional Final Eam

At the very bottom is the link to the final exam when its available.

Read all of the below before you decide to take it (most of you shouldn't take it).

  • If, after all the labs are graded, you are satisfied with your grade in this course, as listed under the item Interim Grade in Blackboard, then DO NOT TAKE THE FINAL.

  • If you do take the final, its a risk/reward exam. Your grade could either improve or get worse. In most all cases, to improve your grade on the final would require a performance on the final substantially better than on the midterm.

  • The final is comprehensive but it mostly emphasizes material from the latter 1/2 of the course.

  • As a reminder, the numerical score on your final will be averaged together with your midterm point score to create a composite exam point score (out of 150 points).

  • As an added checkpoint, the login file for the final exam will initially only contain names of students that should take the final to improve their grade. Most students will not fall into this category .

    If you find you can't login to the final that means your not in the category where its likely that your grade will improve. If you still insist on taking the final then send an email to the instructor.

The Final Exam is Now Available (through Thursday 8 pm)