Week 3 material
New Wind farm in Pennsylvania: Built basically on top of
an old coal mining ridge.

Details on the Casselman Wind Farm project in PA:
- 23 turbines @1.5 MW each: 35 MW
- Located on an Appalachian Ridge Line
- 35 MW is about 10% of the power demand for Eugene
- Average employment was 100 workers during construction
- OPM Jobs = 3
- Construction began in May 2007 - Partially on line in
Feb 2008 - fully on line in Oct 2008
- Total project cost = $61 million ($1750/KW) - current wind costs vary from $1500 to $2000 per KW.
- Project services 10,000 homes.
- Supposed you meter the product at 5 cents per KWH - what
is the payback time to recover $61 million?
- @1/3 efficiency timescale = 21 years
- @ 7 cents per kwh and 40% efficiency time = 12 years
- Hence, this is a sound investment.
- Levelized Costs
- Basics of Wind Energy
- World Wind Potentials and Wind Farms
- Detailed Regional Wind Capacity
Wind Farms Around the World.
For each site, designated by the coordinates:
a) Measure the total length of a "leg"
b) count how many turbines there are per "leg"
c) estimate the total number of turbines in this general area
- 55 41 32 12 40 14
- 29 10 18 32 36 46
- 38 10 51 105 45 39
- 18 59 28 -155 40 5
- 17 34 36 73 54 36
- 43 43 7 -7 56 37
46 01 05 -118 47 28