Course Documents -> Module 2 -> Course Documents
Module #2 Measuring and Understanding Stellar Spectra
![]() Digital Form Checkpoint: Answers these 2 questions in the FORM.
C1: Ionization and Recombination Emission (NEW) Digital Form Checkpoint: Open the detector - set the temperature to 30,000 degrees and let the simulation run to 100,000 total events. Enter in the number of ionizing events on the FORM.
D1: Interactive Excercise on Identifying of Stellar Lines Digital Form Checkpoint: Open the simulatoin Set the temperature to 12000K; selected the element LI for the atmosphere. Enter in the line strength of the 4592 line after the simulation stops on the FORM.
Digital Form Checkpoint: Open the simulation - select the star A9--F0V. Measure the line strength (e.g. the equivalent width) of the hydrogen line at 4861 angstroms and enter that value on the FORM