Topical List of all JAVA/FLASH Interactive Exercises Used in this Course

  1. Measuring Errors: Good Cop/Bad Cop

  2. Digital Detectors

  3. Flux and Distance

  4. Flux and Inverse Square Law

  5. Blackbody Radiation and Stellar Colors

  6. Blackbody Radiation: Total Energy Emitted

  7. Photon Emission

  8. Ionization and Recombination Emission

  9. Periodic Table of Elements

  10. Stellar Atmosphere: Formation of Absorption Lines

  11. Stellar Spectra Measuring Tool with Real Data

  12. Stellar Parallax Engine

  13. Bolometric Correction Simulation (not ready yet and this is advanced material)

  14. Blue and Red Stars in Clusters

  15. Dopple Wobble Planetary Detection Simulation

  16. Drake equation exercise