Course Information -> Basic Course Information

Instructions for this Course.
Read all of this document!

Course Requirements
  1. Completion of 5 homework assignments.

    These are accessed in the assignments area in Blackboard. Please pay attention to the suggested due dates and don't fall behind. In addition, failure to turn in an assignment results in an automatic -10 points recorded for that assignment (that's worse than a zero).

    Homework is generally graded on a level of effort scale. Some students clearly blow off the homework until the very last minute while others are more conscientious. Homework questions or simulations should be done as completely as possible relative to the information that is available to help answer the question.

    A growing problem with the homework questions is the increasing tendency for students to cut and paste the content of a web site, completely, without citation, and submit that as their answer. Such practice is easily detected, so please refrain from doing so. The proper approach to the homework questions is for you to access relevant source material and synthesize a response to the question in your own words.

  2. Completion of 1 midterm and 1 final exam.

    The midterm will cover the first 3 modules and material in the first 3 homework assignments. The final is comprehensive but also *optional*. Note: most all students that take this course end up *not* taking the final as they are satisfied with their grade based on the completed homework assignments and midterm exam.

    Both exams will be linked from the home page during the indicated range of dates. You are required to take the exams during these time periods.

    The exam format consists of a series of short answer or multiple choice questions and will be taken using a Web form. The exam is an open notes exam. You will have four hours to complete the exam from the time you first access the exam to the time you submit it. Note: in practice you can finish the exam in an hour, but sometimes there are network difficulties, etc. More instructions on how to take the exams will come later.

  3. Class Discussion/Forum.

    There is a class discussion/forum page available within Blackboard. Use this to ask questions, discuss ideas, etc. This is an asynchronous discussion page and not a real time chat room. I will responded to posted questions here usually within 24 hours of their post, if not sooner.

Points of Contact

For content related questions about the course material please contact: (the Professor)
For registration or procedural questions please contact:
Braden Hassett or Sonya Faust
Finally, to adequately access all the material in this course you need to have a web browser that recognizes both JAVA and Flash. Virtually any modern day browser has this capability. Firefox is recommended for this course but not required.

That's it! I hope this class delivered in this way will be a productive learning opportunity for you.