Discussion Board -> ENVS 202 Discussion Forum
Topic: ENVS 202 Discussion Forum
Description: Post Thoughts Here
Description: Post Thoughts Here
- Created: 2008-06-29 - assignments
I am just curious what sort of format you (Prof.) are looking for with the assignments...I don't remember reading any guidelines in the syllabus. Also, I am wondering how much time is typically needed to complete these assignments to ensure a the level of thoroughness that you are expecting. This is interesting material, of which there is a lot of information available, and your questions appear to be fairly simple, yet specific. I do not want to leave anything out. -Erin Lanum
-- by Anon.
- Created: 2008-07-02 - RE: assignments
mostly I am looking for a reasonable coherent and complete synopsis of the question and any relevant implications, and not an endless string of factoids related to the subject. Note that the second assignment (not yet posted but probably will be available by July 3) will be somewhat different in that it will be a series of practice problems to help you better learn some of the statistical stuff in this class.
-- by Anon.
- Created: 2008-07-04 - RE: assignments
Ok, thanks for the reply-I will do my best!
-- by Anon.
- Created: 2008-07-14 - Assignment 2
I'm confused with question #4. Are we using the same data from the first pond? I know how to find a percentage, but the numbers I am finding aren't matching up with any of the days. If you could let me know, that would be great. Thanks!
-- by Anon.
- Created: 2008-07-18 - RE: Assignment 2
Hey--I did use the same data, none of the numbers matched exactly but because it was an approximation I figured it was ok. Can you help me with the Duck football questions and the gas questions? SO confused! My private emails abunker@uoregon.edu if that's better. Thanks!
-- by Anon.
- Created: 2008-08-19 - Final Exam
Hey Prof -
I was wondering what dates the final exam would be available for us to take.
-- by Anon.
- Created: 2008-08-31 - Final Exam Please...
To anyone who may know,
I know I may be one of few...but, I want to take the final exam, however I am unable to locate it on the course website, If anyone has any idea where to find the link to enter it, I would appreciate a response. I also am wondering until what date and time it will be available to us to take. Thanks aplenty, hope to hear back ASAP.
-- by Anon.