Announcements -> ENVS 202 Summer Term 2008

Environmental Science 202

Please Read the Following

But First Listen to This!

Navigation of this course is as follows:

  • Announcements Button
    By default you will enter the course at the Announcements page. In general, there probably won't be many announcements through out the term unless some important situation has arisen
  • Course Information
    This will provide links to be the basic course information, the course goals, and, most importantly, the explanation of how this course is graded.
  • Course Documents Button
    This will provide the links to the Modules (there are 9 in all, which contain lectures and other content related to the overall theme of that Module).

    The material population of these modules, which represent about 1-1.5 weeks each, is not all there yet and will be continually placed and updated throughout the term. Within a couple of weeks, most of the raw course material will be there.
  • Assignments Button
    This will provide links to the 5 homework assignments for this class along with the due dates. Please get the assignments in on time, although you are welcome, if you like, to get the assignments in earlier than the due date if you wish to finish the course faster.

    Note, however you will still need to take the midterm during the currently scheduled time period

    Also note that the particular assignment may or may not be related to the current course module. In some cases the assignments are meant to prepare you for material to come.
  • Statistics Tools Button
    In this section, you'll find links to the tools needed to help complete some of the statistically related questions in this course.
  • Current Events Button
    As environmental news breaks (e.g. the devastating IOWA floods), links to that news will be posted here.
  • Web Resources Button
    This provides links to resource on the Web relevant to the content of this course.