Staff Information -> McFarlane, Skipper
Distance Education Program Technical Assistance Skipper McFarlane
Office: Baker Downtown Center 975 High Street, Suite 110 Eugene, OR 97401
Home Page: http://
As the Technical Assistant for Distance Education I am available for a variety of technical assistance needs related to Blackboard, file transfers, Web pages, e-mail and more. If you have technical issues related to your Distance Education Classes, please feel free to contact me. For technical help, you can refer to the online helpsite for Distance Education students at Included are sections on Blackboard and help with e-mail, as well as information on other support resources available on campus and on the Internet. If you don't find what you are looking for there, have further questions or suggestions for additional content, e-mail – please include your NAME and CLASS in all messages. (For questions on course content, you should contact the course instructor.)