Course Documents -> Week 2 -> An Inconvenient Truth

Commonality of Convincing Evidence

  1. Hockey Stick - rise of mean average temperature
  2. "Correlation" between CO_2 rise and global temperature rise
  3. ice core data showing current level of CO_2 is unprecedented in last 500,000 years or so
  4. 10/14 years hottest ever
  5. loss of biodiversity
  6. increase in Cat 4-5 hurricanes
  7. Ice shelf rapid collapse in Antartica
  8. The change of the mosquito line
  9. Greenland melting
  10. Peer review journal validation
  11. Coral reef bleaching
  12. Glacier changes
  13. Drought/soil evaporation


  1. before/after glaciers
  2. tipping point associated with greenland melting
  3. hurricanes increasing
  4. correlation is not causation
  5. Kilaminjaro snowline retreat
  6. climate vs Weather; individual events over exaggerated
  7. global warming is catastrophic
  8. pacific island communities
  9. overall sea level rise
  10. global warming causes extinction of animal species (direct habitat destruction most likely cause)
  11. 928 scientific articles
  12. gore's charts lacked legends, title and even axes! - Gorisms.

    The Great Global Warming Swindle

    A Leading US climate scientist is considering legal action after he says he was duped into appearing in a Channel 4 documentary that claimed man-made global warming is a myth. Carl Wunsch, professor of physical oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said the film, The Great Global Warming Swindle, was ‘grossly distorted’ and ‘as close to pure propaganda as anything since World War Two’.

    He says his comments in the film were taken out of context and that he would not have agreed to take part if he had known it would argue that man-made global warming was not a serious threat. ‘I thought they were trying to educate the public about the complexities of climate change,’ he said.

    Swindle web site