In class on Thursday June 5
Okay teams, here it is, your big moment.
We have talked about human nature and consumption in this class; we have talked about the need for change; we have seen subversive videos involving
but what would it actually take to get people to pause, think, and change there behavior? Or can people never change in that we are fulfilling our destiny and that we will inevitably destroy ourselves and our resources because we know of no other way.
Well, guess what you have been
granted 15 minutes of air time during the 2009 Superbowl.
You team is charged with producing and delivering a commercial/infomercial which is designed to subvert the viewer into believing that morality based decision making is better than economic based decision making and that collective sacrifice in consumerism is the height of the enlightened being.
You may be as clever and creative as possible but your presentation must consist of two basic elements:
- a proper communication of the sense of the scale of
our consumption on planetary resources
- demonstrating that reversing the last 10,000 years of ego and self-important decision making is in everyone's best interests
- Your team can make a video if you want (of length
15 minutes)
- You can do a powerpoint presentation (15 minutes)
- You can act out a skit or a play or whatever you like
(15 minutes)
Some more background:
This task of reprogramming is daunting - remember - we are Men, We Blow UP Mountains to Mine Coal - We are Powerful - We Conquer Nature
In the past there have been various lame attempts in the media to point this out. For instance, in January of 1989 a wounded and beleaguered earth appeared on the cover of Time magazine - yet consumption escalated.
Various local news broadcasts now have "environmental" awareness segments, etc. While this does impart useful information to the consumer, the success of any environmental program ultimately distills down to the individuals attitude/moral perception of the problem.
Your task is to alter the attitude and behavior of the individual consumer towards the environment/earth and that to remind everyone that we are wisest when we all unite together in order to eliminate bad ideas and produce a better process of decision making that indeed does produce The Brave New World
Ideas are Bulletproof