Assignments -> First Team Presentation
In class presentations will be Thursday May 1. Each team should schedule practice in room 147B
in the Knight Library to at least get organized, rehearse, etc.
Group Dynamics/Presentation:
- Communication is everything. Someone needs to be a project coordinator/leader to insure that individual tasks are
- Before even proceeding, everyone needs to get on the same page about the focus and intent of your presentation.
- Assign individual research tasks; set timelines; meet those timelines.
- Your "graded" on overall team performance - not every individual needs to talk on every presentation.
- Presentations should be 17-18 minutes in duration.
Premise: The IPCC has designated 4 major socio-economic themes (e.g. A1, A2, B1, B2) to guide its future projects. Each group will be assigned to one of those 4 themes. Elements of your presentation should therefore include:
- A coherent description/explanation of the underlying assumptions of your theme.
- An exposition of the alternate "families" that have emerged under your main theme.
- A strong argument why your theme/pathway is most likely the correct one that the world will follow and therefore we should
plan accordingly.
- An examination of what is faulty about the other three themes that are competing with you.
Assigned Themes:
- Blue Team
- Dragon Team
- Shark Team
- Tiger Team