Assignments -> Last Individual Assignment
This is due by 9 pm on Thursday Dec 6
Paper topic: The Chinese Sledgehammer
Paper length: 3-4 Pages.
Assignment: China is currently expanding their energy use and material infrastructure at an incredible rate. The three parts of this assignment are:
- Research various aspects of China's current rate of growth to come up with an assessment of where they will be if this rate is held until the year 2025. Include things like total
greenhouse gas emissions, coal production, electricity use,
transportation fuel, goods manufactured (note you don't have to include all of these but the point is to try and come up with reasonable estimates of China's overall resource utilization)
- Attempt to make some estimate if in a 20 year period (e.g. 2005-2025), China will have used more cumulative resources in this 20 year period than the US did in the 100 year period of 1900-2000
- Craft a short policy statement on what you think the world should do about this situation.