Assignments -> Second Team Presentation
In class presentations will be Wednesday
October 24. Each team should schedule practice time with Tiiu to improve presentation efficiency and to eliminate redundancy.
Practice space will be scheduled into room 147B in the Knight Library. Tiiu will contact each group about scheduling details.
Premise: The feasibility of the Hydrogen economy. To fully realize this economy, three major areas need to be invested in: Production, Storage and Distribution to the consumer. These are summarized in the image below:

Three teams will be assigned to either the production, storage or distribution part. One team will be assigned to be the nay sayers and argue that the hydrogen economy is a) not cost-effective, b) not feasible or implementable, c) is just plain stupid.
- Team ???: You well argue against the Hydrogen economy as being a sensible future
direction based on criteria a,b and c above.
- Team ???: Your assignment is to
focus on the various means that hydrogen can be STORED. Pay
particular attention to emerging technologies as they might be very, very promising. You should break down the feasibility of large scale hydrogen storage facilities (similar to the strategic oil reserve) compared to more distributed storage systems tailored to the individual homeowner.
- Team ???: Your assignment is to focus on the various means that can be used to PRODUCE large amounts of Hydrogen. Particular attention should be paid to schemes that produce hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Make sure you provide estimates of the sensible total yield of hydrogen. Your team does not have to worry about how the produced hydrogen is transported or used.
- Team ????: Your task is to focus on the DISTRIBUTION and END USE of Hydrogen. You will need to pay specific attention to how hydrogen can be used to replace gasoline as a transportation fuel. You will have to determine what new infrastructure is required if we are to wholly transform our fossil fuel energy reliance to one that uses hydrogen for virtually all of our energy needs.