Assignments -> Third Team Assignments

In class presentations will be Monday November 19.

PNW power plan links:

Premise: The Pacific Northwest Region (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and maybe Western Montana) has increasing demands for power and currently inadequate infrastructure to reach new power requirements. Each team will be assigned a specific form of alternative energy to sell as your solution for to meet future power needs.

All teams, however, will need to come up with their own power projections based on some rationale. These projections should be for the years 2025 and 2050, which will then give you an opportunity to construct your infrastructure in various stages. You are allowed to factor in energy conservation in your scenario in an aggressive manner if you like.

A very good place to start this, is to go to the Northwest Power Planning Council Website as well as Bonneville Power , and Seattle City Light .

In addition, all teams need to focus and report on:

  • Where their proposed generation facilities will be located
  • The infrastructure that is required to deliver electricity from those locations to the region.

  • The amount of power that will be generated (this should be based on your demand projections)

Now remember, your presentations are supposed to be selling something so each presentation needs to focus on why your particular technology is the solution to this problem (independent of whether or not your personally believe it). As an added bonus you might think about how you can sell your technological solution as a means to replace hydroelectric power and thus remove dams from the Columbia and Snake rivers.

After all the presentations are concluded we will then have a discussion based on the presentations to evaluate the respective merits and disadvantages.

The presentations will focus on 4 particular technologies and their ability to meet our regional energy needs.

  • Snow Leopard Team: Your assignment is to sell the idea of using wave and tidal energy (as embodied in different kinds of devices) as a major source of new energy for the region. In your particular case, you are allowed to negotiate with Canada on shared resources and infrastructure.

  • Tiger Team: Your assignment is to research and present the feasibility of using GeoThermal energy as a new resource for this region. You might want to check out what is currently happening in Idaho.

  • Dragon Team Your assignment is to research and present the feasibility of using Wind energy (especially off shore wind) as our regions new energy source.

  • Shark Team: Your assignment is to research and present the feasibility of using Solar Power (in its various forms) as our regions principle new energy source. Your allowed to negotiate with Nevada on shared facilities.