Assignments -> Last Group Presentation

This Presentation will occur the last day of class Wednesday December 3

In keeping with the "multicultural" view of this problem.

Premise: The European Union is paying a lot more attention to their near term energy crises than the United States is. Several countries are currently engaged in various proactive strategies. For this exercise, each team will be assigned a country to report on using the following template:

  • What was the energy portfolio of this country 30 years ago (e.g. 1975)? (make sure to include how much energy needed to be imported into this country).

  • How has their energy portfolio evolved over the last 30 years?

  • How has per capita energy consumption in this country changed over the last 30 years?

  • What are the future plans for renewable energy generation over the next 10-30 years to meet expecting increased demand?

    What government lead initiatives or incentives are at work to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy technology.

  • Sell your country as the world leader in thinking ahead on these issues.

Assigned Countries:

  • Blue Team The Strange French

  • Dragon Team United Kingdom (cause that is where dragons live)

  • Shark Team Sunny Spain

  • Tiger Team Aggressive Germany