The Greeks considered nature to be orderly. That is, that there were patterns in natural events, and humans could define those patterns. But they also approached nature with some preconceptions [aka 'cultural bias'].
When it came to anomalies / irregularities / inconsistencies in the natural order, the latter sometimes posed obstacles to understanding.
Based on material presented in class, discuss two examples of the ordering process and how bias affected the understanding of the anomaly.
For example you could consider the way Herodotus deals with the anomaly of the flow of the Nile, or the problem of the planets and retrograde motion / changing brightness, and / or Galen's account of the flow of urine.
Essay Length: 800 - 1000 Words
This assignment is due by Sunday January 27 at midnight
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As a reminder, the structure of your argument/essay should resemble the following:
I. Introduction
- A. Thesis Statement and synposis of the argument
your supporting.
A. Supporting Example #1
B. Supporting Example #2
C. Supporting Example #3 (or more, if long essay)
IV. Proofread the damn thing!