... -> --TOP-- -> Note to instructor -> Organizing your blackboard site
We recommend that you use separate sections of your blackboard site for each major section of your course. Depending on the course organization, sections might correspond to topics, to textbook chapters, or simply to lecture dates. The separate sections might be folders within the Course Documents content area, or might be separate content areas (with their own buttons on the menu at the left).

A content area can contain all of the information for that section of the course, including lecture notes, handouts, links to discussion forums, online quizzes, links to non-blackboard library resources and web sites, multimedia, reading assignments, project and homework descriptions, or almost anything else you can put in Blackboard.

It is usually best to make the first item in a section an introduction or objectives. And, since you're likely to have lots of information before you're done, it's usually best to organize each section with subfolders.

After you make your site available, the Course Information section will be viewable by your students and also typically by guests; by default the Course Documents section is not guest-accessible. You can change such access if you wish.

In many cases you'll want to upload file attachments associated with items. If you place copyrighted materials on your Blackboard site, you are responsible for ensuring either that you have permission from the copyright owner to use the work or that your use qualifies as "fair use" or for another exemption in copyright law. If you are uncertain, you might want to discuss with JQ Johnson, jqj@uoregon.edu.

As an alternative to posting articles on your blackboard site, you can also create links to full text articles licensed by the UO Libraries for student use, or take advantage of the UO's electronic reserve system.